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Chandi Devi Temple, spotted on the highest point of Neel Parvat, is a standout amongst the most acclaimed sanctuaries of India. This spot is of incredible religious vitality and is additionally considered as one of the Shakti peethas of North India. This sanctuary is otherwise called Siddh peetha, as it is accepted to have forces to satisfy the wishes of aficionados.

As indicated by legend, it is accepted that Goddess Chandika Devi rested for a short while on Neel Parvat. This happened after she murdered devil rulers, Shumbh and Nishumbha. This sanctuary was built to welcome her back.

Chandi Devi Temple was developed in 1929 by Suchat Singh, who was the ruling ruler of Kashmir. Notwithstanding, it was accepted that the icon introduce in the sanctuary was introduced in eighth century, by Adi Shankaracharya.

Sightseers going to this sanctuary can contract an auto-rickshaw, cycle rickshaw, tongas or taxis, from any piece of Haridwar. Moreover, voyagers can likewise decide on trekking-course, which is around 3 km from Chandighat. An alternate mode of transportation accessible for arriving at the sanctuary is through the link auto. It takes span of around 20 to 25 minutes in order to achieve the sacred sanctum.

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